Legal mentions

This site is the property of Stambia, a simplified joint stock company (Société par Actions Simplifiée) with a capital of € 15,000, registered with the Trade and Companies Register of Lyon under the number 510 818 800, whose registered office is located at 4 Rue Saint-Sidoine, 69003 Lyon, France.VAT number FR69510818800. Phone +33 (0) 4 74 64 54 83.

The director of the publication of the website is Mr. Fabien Bruder as Chief Executive Officer of Stambia SAS.

The site is hosted by Gandi, a simplified joint stock company with its registered office at 63-65 boulevard Massena in Paris (75013) France, registered under number 423 093 459 RCS PARIS.

General Terms & Condition of Use

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For maintenance reasons, the company Stambia may interrupt access to its site and will, if possible, endeavor to notify users in advance.

Stambia strives to provide users with information and / or tools available and verified, but can not be held responsible for errors, lack of availability of information and / or the presence of viruses on its web site.

The information provided by Stambia is for "information only". Stambia can not guarantee the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of the information published on its website. As a result, the user acknowledges using this information under his exclusive responsibility.

The general structure, as well as texts, images (animated or not) and all the other elements of this website, and in particular the services and products, are the exclusive property of the Stambia Company and /or elements over which the company Stambia has rights in particular for their dissemination and communication.

Consequently, any reproduction of these elements is formally forbidden except specific express provisions indicated on the site, expressively authorizing the partial reproduction of certain elements. This representation or reproduction, by any means whatsoever, constitutes an infringement punishable by articles L.335-2 and following of the Code of Intellectual Property.

The Stambia brand is a protected trademark. Any total or partial reproduction of the Stambia trademark, without the prior express consent of Stambia is therefore prohibited.

All product or company names mentioned on this site that are not owned by Stambia are trademarks of their respective owners.

Finally, the hypertext links set up as part of this website towards other resources on the Internet can not engage the responsibility of the company Stambia. Stambia has not conducted a complete review of all sites referencing the site (or its subdomains) or all sites referenced by the site https: //www.stambia. com (or its subdomains). Stambia is therefore not responsible for the content of these sites. The referencing of a site does not imply the endorsement by Stambia of the contents of the site. The user acknowledges that use of the site (or its subdomains) is at its own risk.

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The content of the site and its subdomains is subject to French law.

Some images are using icons made by Eucalyp from and licensed by CC 3.0 BY